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Bentley Continental GT GTC Flying Spur 2006 Automatic gearbox JSY
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Price: 1440,00 GBP*
Shipping cost: 118.44 GBP
*price net
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1 szt.
  • Bentley
  • Producer: Bentley
  • Model: JSY
  • Order fulfillment: 48 hours

average rating: 0.0  reviews: 0
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  • Description

The gearbox has been taken off running: Bentley Continental 2006 with only 32885 miles covered. 

We did check the gearbox before we take it off the car. Gearbox works very well, and smooth, no knocks, or any alarming sounds. The gearbox changing gears smoothly. 

We do give warranty for fitting this gearbox on one month time.

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